If you want something from ALLAH S.W.T.,
& HE says yes then he ll give you the desired thing,
If HE says wait, that he will you the better thing,
But if he says no,
Then dont feel sad,
it means he dnt want to give you the desired thing,
He wants to give you the best thing.
If ALLAH S.W.T. brings you to it, HE will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise ALLAH S.W.T.
Difficult moments, seek ALLAH S.W.T
Quiet moments, worship ALLAH S.W.T.
Painful moments, trust ALLAH S.W.T.
Every moment, thank ALLAH S.W.T
Ihsan dari dsjkamarul.
Moga Allah kurniakan kesihatan yang baik buatmu...
Jangan sampai doa permintaanmu kepada Allah itu engkau jadikan sebagai alat (sebab) untuk mencapai pemberian Allah, nescaya akan kurang pengertianmu (marifatmu) kepada Allah, tetapi hendaknya doa permintaanmu semata-mata untuk menunjukkan kerendahan kehambaanmu dan menunaikan kewajipan terhadap kemuliaan kebesaran dan kekayaan Tuhanmu.
~Imam Ibnu Athaillah Asakandary~
Yesterday was a history, Tomorrow is a mystery & Today is a gift... a gift from Allah, the Creator of everything in this world.
Give your heart to people, people may hurt yout heart,
Give your heart to Allah, Allah will take care of your heart.
Thus, give your love to Allah and live peacefully ever after.
Abd Razak,
teima kasih atas perkongsian ilmu itu
kek Cun,
benar, sesungguhnya kita manusilah yg sentiasa cuba untuk memusnahkan antara satu sama lain
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