Thursday, September 08, 2005


Love !

is like a piece of glass
if u hold it too tight
it will break in your hand

If u hold it too loose
it will fall down
and break it's self

Only few know it
how to hold it right
and they are the one
who succeed

p/s terjumpa sajak ni dalam perjalanan di laman webs


Semut Api said...

Ciluk sajak aku yek.....

noorlara said...

ni nak kene lepuk dak deanz ni, tak nampakke haku tulis kat bawah tu, sajak tu haku jumpa tapi aku percaya bukan ko yg punye, ko mana tau apa apa pasei syinta, kwang kwang kwang, jgn marah ek deanz

jed1 said...

ciluk sajak deanz pun takpenya noor...setakat 2 rangkap sajak macam ni kejap je karang :D

cenderawasih said...

deanz memang macam tu. kedekut. takat sajak cam ni tikus bawah katil dia pun boleh karang. hehehe hik!hik!hik! emm! emm! emm! tersedak ayaq liuq la...

Wirawan Terulung said...

Only few know it
how to hold it right
and they are the one
who succeed

--> am i that person??...

noorlara said...

d person who succeed could be anybody as long as u know how to do it right, setau hakak org lelaki mana tau pegang gelas dengan betui, huahuahuahua